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Tom Nash

Tom Nash is not your average keynote speaker.

At nineteen, his life changed dramatically following the sudden onset of a deadly virus. Tom survived, but at the heavy price of a two-week coma, the loss of four limbs, and almost all of his mental endurance in overcoming his darkest fear; eighteen months of hospital food.

After the immense task of relearning every action he'd ever cultivated, Tom never returned to his old job waiting tables. Instead he set new ambitions, like learning how to play guitar with hooks, starting a lucrative entertainment business, selling out international speaking engagements, and cooking Korean BBQ with his bare (metal) hands.

Following a slew of refreshing media engagements with the likes of SBS, Sydney Morning Herald, Sky News and Buzzfeed, it wasn't long before TEDx were after a slice. Over 5000 listeners embarked on the sagacious and humorous journey with Tom at a TEDx in Sydney 2019; a testament to Tom's knack for storytelling, his keen observations, and the life he has created in the face of overwhelming mental and physical obstacles have proven more valuable than the limbs he lost.

Nash feels the same way about pity as he does about top knots: not interested. His unapologetic attitude and experience of dealing with adversity renders Tom deserving of the platform he so eloquently uses, speaking openly and with sincerity to a full gamut of audiences. Drawing from the life experience imbued upon him, Tom exemplifies how lateral thinking is critical for problem-solving, challenges the triviality of self-consciousness, and explains the critical importance of risk-taking and inner-strength. His dry wit and contrarian nature throughout presentations delights the curiosity of his listeners. On dealing with a physical disability he ruminates; "Kids will often ask me if I'm a Pirate, and I tell them - Yes."

Tom believes tribulation is not only essential to the human condition but the basis for character and perspective, thus he encourages people to take a fresh look at their human experience. There is always a second approach if one is willing to alter their perception. With tailored keynotes that tackle often esoteric and introspective topics entitled: The Illusion of Luck, The Perks of Being a Pirate, The Casino of Happiness, The Clock is Ticking and Nothing Happens For A Reason, it's hardly surprising Nash's audiences prefer to linger long after he leaves the stage.

There are no motivational insta-quotes to be seen during Tom's keynotes, no 'one-size-fits-all' themes, and no comic sans. Half-metal, half-genius, Tom Nash is an enigmatic speaker who instead offers a fresh degustation of ideas, and a thoroughly brilliant approach to life.

Fee Range: E