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One of the first women trained as an engineer by the US Army, Stephanie was training others by the time she was 19. Starting her own training company in 1979, Stephanie was one of the first in the US to specialise in teaching people to embrace the biggest change in work practices this century: the introduction of the desktop computer.
Out of this grew Stephanie's fascination and deep curiosity for human behaviour in the context of learning. By observing the behaviour of thousands of adults as they re-entered a learning environment she saw immediately the need to help adults develop learning strategies and psychological truths about learning suitable to both the maturity of their adult brains and their growing need to re-enter the classroom. They were grown-ups and successful, but they had no real idea how to learn effectively.
In 1982 Stephanie began teaching for the Supercamp organisation, and later in 1985, Stephanie began working with Larry Wilson of 'One Minute Salesperson' fame at the Pecos River Ranch in Santa Fe, New Mexico. During these years Stephanie made a complete transition from the computer industry to the human behaviour and education fields.
Over the past 35 years, Stephanie has built a global reputation as one of the leaders in adult learning. Tens of thousands of people have attended her 'Learning To Learn' program in Australia and New Zealand, and over 2000 students completed her 6 month program for teachers, trainers and presenters.
Stephanie has authored 3 industry bestselling books "Great Lies We Live By", "Artistry in Training" and "Move Closer Stay Longer". She completed her Ph.D. with the University of South Australia focusing on the role of emotion in the learning process, and spent 10 years developing and running a series of successful online learning programs.
In recent years, Stephanie has committed to more complex and longer-termed projects. She worked with the Parelli Natural Horsemanship organisation for 5 years assisting in the re-writing of the educational programs and working with Parelli students. Explored the faults in the teaching methods used commonly used to teach adults foreign languages. She has just completed another round of project inputs for Cisco Systems. She has been involved in the Scottish Pipe Band community as a student snare drummer and learning strategies teacher for pipers and drummers for the past 4+ years. She has taught in that community in Australia, New Zealand, Canada, the U.S. and Germany.
She is currently writing a series of five books for music students and players tackling some of the most elusive problems musicians have regarding their development. She is also co-authoring a book for music teachers with 8 times World Champion Solo Drummer, Steven McWhirter.
Stephanie has the academic rigour, practical experience and a reputation second to none. People often walk away muttering, "How could she have known that about me!" She is at the top of the human behaviour game when it relates to leadership, communication, learning, overcoming procrastination behaviour, personal and professional development. She is an enthralling, provocative, smart and full-on entertaining presenter.