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Multi award winning entertainment producer and entrepreneur, Darryl Lovegrove is one of Australia's most booked speakers after continually rating as the top speaker at most conferences. His story of how he and a mate took the operatic phenomenon 'The Three Waiters' to the world and made it #1 continues to captivate sales teams, business owners, associations and management from all fields. In 2014 he was invited to speak at the 'Million Dollar Round Table' in Toronto, which is, arguably, the most prestigious conference in the world. His exceptional testimonials attest to how inspirational his story is and how motivational his 'take home messages' are. An incredible story matched only by an extraordinary delivery.
Cutting through corporate jargon he provides an honest look at the challenges involved with a start-up operation and the obstacles faced as an Australian establishing a company domestically and overseas. While relating his story he offers delegates key 'take home' messages covering the following themes:-
Resilience, passion, being pro-active, need for innovation, leadership, quality control and maintaining focus.
In 1998, inspired by the world's greatest opera singers 'The Three Tenors', two actors conceived a simple entertainment concept called 'The Three Waiters'. An instant hit within the events industry, demand grew so rapidly that within 3 years they had established offices in Sydney, Los Angeles, London, New York and Bogota Colombia. Performing to over 3 million people worldwide, their 'simple concept' has become a global brand, surviving fierce rivalry from copycats and 9/11.
After 11 years, Lovegrove sold his financial interest in the Act and established Lovegrove Entertainment right at the start of the Global Financial Crisis. He shares how he was still able to produce innovative and award winning corporate entertainment acts in a time which has seen demand drop considerably. His first hand account of being able to 'walk the talk' has established him as one of Australia's business resilience experts and seen Spice Magazine rate him in the top 5 speakers and presenters two years running.
As entertaining as it is informative, in a manner unique to the professional speaking circuit, Lovegrove punctuates his story with the live performance of operatic arias making him the perfect opener or closer for a Conference, incentive or event.
Cutting through corporate jargon he provides an honest look at the challenges involved with a start-up operation and the obstacles faced as an Australian establishing a company domestically and overseas. While relating his story he offers delegates key 'take home' messages covering the following themes:-
Resilience, passion, being pro-active, need for innovation, leadership, quality control and maintaining focus.
"Thank you for your excellent presentation and delivering it with passion to the MDRT audience. Not only is your story inspiring, but also your voice brings me to another level. You touched so many hearts and MDRT is grateful for your sharing your gift with us."
Michelle Hoesly, 2014 President, Million Dollar Round Table (USA)
"A fantastic presentation supporting the objective of the event and incorporating incredible opera that was
uplifting and inspiring. The team gave him a standing ovation"
Jordan Hawke, CEO Asteron
"Incredibly entertaining. Fun, passionate and warm with a great business message that was really relevant to us.
Everyone got something out of it. Simply brilliant!"
Kellie Lewis, Sentis
"An entertainer with a real message for business success" Absolutely BRILLIANT!-
David Jay, CEO Australian Settlements Ltd
"The perfect closer with a brilliant blend of entertainment and message."
Jenny Wills, Richardson & Wrench