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Author of 'Jungle' and 'Laws of the Jungle', Yossi Ghinsberg is one of the most compelling speakers of his generation. Yossi's messages are inspirational and unique -- based on a personal story that must be heard to be believed.
In the midst of the uncharted Amazon, after losing his three companions, a young Israeli traveller is tested to the extreme through 20 harrowing days of sheer survival. A riveting storyteller, Yossi Ghinsberg relives his ordeal while sweeping audiences into the depths of the primordial jungle.
His first book 'Jungle', based on this incredible adventure, soon became an international bestseller. The Discovery Channel has also recently released a feature length documentary film based on Yossi's story called 'Escape from the Amazon'.
Born and raised in Israel, Yossi served three years in the Israeli Navy on the Red Sea. Following his experiences in the Amazon, Yossi developed a love for the region and set about initiating 'The Chalalan Project'. Chalalan is now one of the most celebrated Eco-Tourism resorts in the Amazon -- demonstrating to the world that it is possible to create environmental projects that are both commercially sustainable and engage whole communities into action.
Yossi now speaks to his audiences about survival and the ability to take vision and turn it into reality. His keynote presentations are suited for organisations looking to inspire and motivate people toward their goals, despite adversity or unfavourable circumstances.
Yossi's keynotes are most appropriate for audiences seeking an uplifting message, whilst also bringing about positive change and discussion long after the event. Some of the messages audiences have experienced include 'The importance of a clear vision', 'What it takes to adapt to change' and 'How to deal with adversity from a calm and centred place'.
Time and again Yossi's presentations leave people on the edge of their seats, momentarily transported and reminded of the natural survival instincts that we all possess. The subtitle of his recently published second book 'Laws of the Jungle' says it all... Jaguars don't need Self-Help books.
Yossi's key messages include:
Abundance - scarcity is a delusion, we live in abundant universe.
Cooperation - the best way to build and conduct a healthy business is to view it as an ecosystem.
Leadership - true leaders don't serve their ego, but the greater good of their company and society.
Pursuit of Happen-ness - the art of responding to life as it unfolds from a place of strength and balance.
Values - how to achieve your business and personal success while still retaining your values.
Growth - evolution is achieved by raising our collective level of awareness, each individual is essential.
After a tragic separation from his friends, one man is lost alone for weeks in the heart of the Amazon with no food or weapons, in the midst of the worst rainy season in decades. Through this amazing experience Yossi Ghinsberg takes his audiences on an emotional experience of inner strength and self-discovery. This keynote presentation is based on Yossi's international bestseller 'Jungle', now also a documentary produced by the Discovery Channel. Apart from the sheer excitement of Yossi's presentation, his delivery empowers audiences to adapt to their circumstances. They learn that we are co-creators of our own realities. Adversity is part of life; being a victim a matter of choice.
"It is not the strongest of the species that survives nor the most intelligent, but the one most adaptable to change". This famous adage by Charles Darwin reminds us that change is the only constant. As inherent and inevitable as change is, it is still perceived by many individuals and organizations as a problem. A master storyteller, Yossi's keynote on change is not a lecture but a journey. He takes audiences far above their judgments, allowing access to new perspectives while maintaining their own responsibility and power.
LAWS OF THE JUNGLE - Jaguars Don't Need Self-Help Books
The only species that separates and alienates itself from nature is our own. Isolated in that seclusion we either try to dominate nature or protect ourselves from it. In this keynote, Yossi asks his audience to see 'the big picture' and remember that it is our birthright to be and feel part of our planet and the entire universe we live in. The teaching of the 'Laws of the Jungle' to audiences has a direct impact, bringing breakthroughs and transformations to both individuals and organizations. The 'Laws of the Jungle' can be delivered as a 60 to 90 minute keynote or extended to a three hour breakout session.
THE MANIFESTATION OF VISION - Eightfold Path of Action
Success is the most sought after need of individuals and organizations. Yet success seems elusive as it is defined in many different ways and always seems to belong somewhere in the future. Through eight carefully crafted actions, The Manifestation of Vision participants are initiated into a new realm of possibilities, where the present moment is of clarity and the futures are unrestricted. The Eightfold Path of Action indicates that this course is about 'doing' rather than 'thinking' about it, enabling and empowering participants to meet any adversity as a challenge and confront it as a consolidated team. Following the seminar all attendees receive access to a closed discussion forum for continued support and ongoing change.