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Mark Pesce is a futurist, inventor, writer, entrepreneur, educator and podcaster.
In 1994 Pesce co-invented VRML, a 3D interface to the Web.
Pesce was a judge on the ABC hit series The New Inventors, celebrating Australia's newest inventions, and writes an award-winning column for the global tech publication The Register.
Pesce brings his skills as a futurist to diverse sectors of the economy, including financial institutions ranging from Westpac, World Bank, HSBC and SWIFT, and regularly facilitates and mentors hackathons on topics as diverse as fintech, blockchain, virtual reality, and education.
Pesce hosts two podcasts: This Week in Startups Australia - exploring tech startups; and The Next Billion Seconds - winner of the Best Technical and Scientific Podcast of 2018 - connecting the work of today's brightest thinkers with the world of tomorrow.
Pesce has nine books, including Augmented Reality: Unboxing Tech's Next Big Thing and Getting Started with ChatGPT.
Pesce founded graduate programs at both the University of Southern California and the Australian Film, Radio and Television School, holding appointments as Honorary Associate at the University of Sydney, and Honorary Adjunct at UTS.
TNBS: https://nextbillionseconds.com
TWISTA: https://twistartupsaus.com
"Mark was amazing! We surveyed participants who mentioned their favourite part of the event was Mark's presentation. The thing I loved about Mark is there was no cookie cutter approach, he tailored the messaging to the event and the audience. He was curious to know what we were trying to achieve and made sure that resonated in his presentation." Telstra 2024